

As Caratunk’s first selectman, small business owner, registered Maine whitewater guide, homeschool mom, and engineer, Liz Caruso knows the experiences and trials that rural Mainers face. As the broadband director for Somerset County, Liz has been working hard to help residents who struggle with technology to bridge the digital divide with affordable access, devices, and free digital skills classes.

This election is about the restoration of our constitutional republic. Mainers across all political parties are crying out to be heard, honored, and truly represented and fought for by elected officials who operate in integrity and truth. We need lawmakers who position themselves as civil servants, echoing the cry of the people and serving with transparent, constitutional and responsive representation to ensure that the Constitution is abided by and government is once again ruled by the consent of the governed. 

Liz believes in the foundational principles of our nation: “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” which includes

  • personal freedom,
  • private property,
  • a free market,
  • limited government,
  • balance of powers (3 branches)
  • an independent judiciary

“America belongs to ‘We the People’. It does not belong to Congress.  It doesn’t belong to special interest groups.  It does not belong to the courts.  It belongs to ‘We the People’…”

John Jay, First Supreme Court Chief Justice

Mainers are down-to-earth, practical, hard-workers who appreciate their freedoms, their state, and the Maine way-of-life.  We want to keep Maine – the Way Life Should Be, and that means ensuring local control for our towns and ordinances instead of impractical, transformational dictates out of Augusta.  Liz will fight for real Maine values such as:

  • Enforce fiscal responsibility and accountability.
  • Stop reckless spending and unfunded mandates
  • Stop big government overreach upon our industries, land, personal lives
  • Stop weaponization of public policies by special interest groups against Maine’s rural culture, industries, lands
  • Protect women’s spaces, girls’ sports, life, and stop human trafficking
  • Protect our history and freedom in education, health, religion, speech
  • Protect the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms
  • Ensure parental rights and protection of our school children
  • Protect and honor law enforcement.
  • Support our veterans.
  • Stop/overcome drug and mental healthy plagues.

As a passionate patriot and powerful Maine advocate, Liz will boldly fight to represent you in Augusta – to protect this great state, restore your rights, and preserve freedoms for future generations.